Programs and Services - Milpitas Cares

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Our Impact
The impact of our programs is felt throughout our community, from the individuals and families we support to the organizations we partner with.

Our programs help to reduce food insecurity, provide addiction recovery support, offer parenting resources, and provide youth and children services.

These efforts have a ripple effect, improving the well-being of our community as a whole.

Programs and Services
Programs and Services
At Milpitas Cares, we are dedicated to serving the needs of our community and providing support to those who need it most. We offer a variety of programs and services to help individuals and families in a wide range of areas. Whether you need assistance with education, emotional support, recovery from addictions, meals and groceries, parenting, youth and children services, or sports, we are here to help.

Our programs and services include:

Education - We offer educational resources and support to help individuals and families succeed in school and beyond. Our programs include afterschool reading programs, homework assistance, and college readiness programs.

Emotional Support - We understand the importance of mental health and emotional well-being. Our programs provide counseling, therapy, and other forms of support to help individuals and families cope with challenges and overcome obstacles.

Recovery from Addictions - We provide resources and support for individuals and families affected by addiction, including substance abuse and gambling.

Meals and Groceries - Our programs provide meals and groceries to individuals and families in need, including homeless students and their families.

Parenting - We offer parenting resources and support to help parents and families raise healthy and happy children. Our programs include parenting classes, support groups, and counselling.

Youth and Children Services - We provide a variety of services to support the needs of youth and children, including after-school programs, tutoring, mentoring, and recreational activities.

Sports - We believe that sports and physical activity are essential for a healthy and active lifestyle. Our programs provide opportunities for youth and adults to participate in sports and recreational activities.

We offer a range of immediate need, beautification, and long-lasting and sustained projects to meet the needs of our community. Immediate need projects may include providing groceries for homeless students and their families, while beautification projects may include cleaning neighborhoods, trails, and parks, or painting schools and planting gardens. Our long-lasting and sustained projects may include afterschool reading programs, sports programs, or other initiatives designed to create lasting impact in our community.
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